Hope you enjoy your stay here, I hope that any newcomers will decide to join the forum. There is a board where you learn how to join up and create characters.

The Site

For new people who wish to join
1 Comment in 1 Discussion
To make an account to makeing a thread. by emilybarnes Aug 11, 2012 13:05:43 GMT -7

a place where if you want to start you can come here and join up and start.

Questions and Assistance
11 Comments in 11 Discussions
New Year New Blessings New Sales Channel by account_disabled Feb 26, 2024 21:50:36 GMT -7

if you need any help ask your question here

2,793 Comments in 65 Discussions

all old charries and threads will be

1 Comment in 1 Discussion
the plot by emilybarnes Apr 1, 2012 11:29:49 GMT -7

Board Rules

1 Comment in 1 Discussion
simple rules to this site by emilybarnes Apr 1, 2012 10:33:09 GMT -7


Character Guides
4 Comments in 4 Discussions
Guidelines of a mixbreed by emilybarnes Jun 3, 2012 7:14:56 GMT -7

some of the rules for characters and so you don't have to ask questions on what your characters have to be like

Thread Tracker
3 Comments in 3 Discussions
国内快闪店发展正式 by account_disabled Aug 23, 2023 20:35:54 GMT -7

keep track of your characters here if you want

5 Comments in 5 Discussions
Chronos by emilybarnes Jun 1, 2012 11:14:15 GMT -7

each character will be placed into a ranking and don't worry i will ask you if you would like them on the rankings and maybe what role

4 Comments in 3 Discussions
Mostbet-ning qoniqarli mijozi sifatida shaxsiy tajribangiz? by Veqqa Sept 15, 2023 7:17:26 GMT -7

A character who hunts down a certian species or type of person.

Sub-board: Accepted Slayers

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Lori, Van leird by emilybarnes Jul 15, 2012 12:30:40 GMT -7

Sub-board: Accpeted Humans

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Werewolf profile skeleton by emilybarnes Sept 23, 2012 9:58:59 GMT -7

they only change during the full moon and are deadly allergic to silver.

Sub-board: Accepted Werewolves

3 Comments in 3 Discussions
Adaja and Abigail, Meer by emilybarnes Sept 7, 2012 16:59:28 GMT -7

don't make them invincible, weaknesses are UV rays, sunlight, and ripping off there head.

Sub-board: Accepted Vampire

3 Comments in 3 Discussions
些趋势知道顾客到底是如何 by account_disabled Oct 12, 2023 1:30:46 GMT -7

Creatures made by God himself.

Sub-boards: Accepted Fallen Angels, Accepted Angels

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Aden by falloutmonster Jun 28, 2012 12:58:29 GMT -7

don't go all over the character list tomake one use at least two

Sub-board: Accepted mixbreeds

4 Comments in 4 Discussions
Kyra, lung by emilybarnes Oct 26, 2012 21:59:25 GMT -7

Sub-board: Accepted Demons

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if your character is involved with another put it here, with any type of relationship.

Around The World

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Is there any place not listed in the world you want to go? well then don't let that stop you put it here.

South America
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Sub-board: Mexico

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great scenery and great plains with beautiful forests

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Accross the ocean where civilization was said to eveolve enough to cross the ocean and conquer this land.

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frozen and baren waste land

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different cultures do still exsist


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An abandoned hospital, so if you want someone killed off then you have to pay there price for the life.

Vampire castle
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where vampires live and everyone gets the open room except the lords they get there own room

Werewolf forest
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Where werewolves roam the trees hunting for there next meal, few live here.

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Where you can lose your mind in minutes, and where the flames are so hot they kill any creature even demons themselves.

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Where you might go blind from looking at heavenly creatures in there true form, and where some sing everytime the see God.


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If there is anything that you do not htink is apropriate for other people to veiw put it here.

New York City

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Discover the design elements by account_disabled Mar 13, 2024 20:57:27 GMT -7

so you can travel to the various hideouts or other countries.

Central park
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Where you can go to relax, or hunt for small rodents.

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where you can travel to different locations or hide.

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where you can learn about the past

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where you can read books

Residential areas
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where there are lots of houseing, and a few good places to hide.

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where people can pay to live.

Farmers Feild
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around the edge of the city where there are feilds of crops tended to by farmers.

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A place where it was a teenagers heaven or hell before the war, now adays it depends on location if it is just a shopping complex or a trap. Or even a hideout

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Can be functional or it can be run down building it doesn't matter.

Bars/night clubs
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where you can drink, and dance.

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A place where all races can shop for various things, a sort of symbol that the wars are over and people are trying to live in peice.

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Where you can be fixed up nicely after a fight


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Send a shout of whatever you like, enjoy.
emilybarnes, Mar 4, 2014 13:22:04 GMT -7:
emilybarnes, Mar 4, 2014 13:40:38 GMT -7:
    Nice, I am being creative with the theme. ok. lots of purple
emilybarnes, Mar 7, 2014 13:11:58 GMT -7:
    no more purple. hmm light greys. slight hue of blue.
Kiyana Fuimori, Mar 16, 2014 10:18:58 GMT -7:
    Hey! Is it ok if i advertise your website on fb?
Kiyana Fujimori, Mar 16, 2014 10:19:32 GMT -7:
    Great job btw
emilybarnes, Mar 16, 2014 18:01:31 GMT -7:
    Oh, SWEET SOMEONE YAY. and yes it is totally okay that you do.
emilybarnes, Mar 16, 2014 18:07:09 GMT -7:
emilybarnes, Mar 16, 2014 18:07:16 GMT -7:
    You found the site.
Guest, Jul 6, 2014 22:16:52 GMT -7:
emilybarnes, Jul 30, 2014 9:03:15 GMT -7:
    Whoa, an actual comment!!!! it's been so long
emilybarnes, Jul 30, 2014 9:04:45 GMT -7:
    it truly has
emilybarnes, Jul 30, 2014 9:17:15 GMT -7:
    it says people are on. what the? People are on? T.T it's mocking me
emilybarnes, Dec 18, 2014 16:00:33 GMT -7:
    Merry Christmas.
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